Something needed to be done quick to find out what caused her femur to refracture. On September the 14th, Indy returned to the veterinary clinic. Another internal pin was put in and cultures were done.
Indy was not eating and really needed to gain back the weight she had lost. We started feeding her satin balls when she returned home from the clinic. She liked these and was again eating.
She continued to have problems holding her urine. Even for a short period of time. I would be amazed at the amount she would urinate. It was hoped this would get better in a few days.
On September the 18st, the results from the cultures came back positive for MRSA. This was what I so dreaded to hear, but was expecting. This is the only answer I could think of that would cause her femur to refracture. Indy needed antibiotics for this right away. She needed Chloramphenicol. This is not a antibiotic found at your local pharmacy. It had to come from a compounding pharmacy. It was a Sat. and Carla and I called all over trying to find this medication.
Finally, Carla found it. It was found at a pharmacy in Forest Park GA.
My friend Joanne drove me to pick it up. Indy was started on this right away. 1000 mg every eight hours.
A few days went by and Indy continued to have problems holding her urine. We took her urine in for a check, but it came back normal except a low specific gravity. I was so very worried about her.
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