Indy is doing well. She is walking on her leg good. We only take about 5 minute walks now four times a day. She seems to feel good and she is eating well. She is still having some urinary problems.
Today we went back to UGA for the second bandage change. Everything looked good. They got a urine sample right from her bladder (OUCH!) to test. I will be waiting to hear from that.
I want to thank all the people that have donated to her medical care. Please continue to spread the word about her chipin. We still need help with her medical care. Each time she goes into UGA..another bill comes in.
Indy even has a 8th grade class in Oconee county raising money for her. This is so cool!!!
We will have to go again next Wed. for a third bandage change.
One of the photos below was taken a couple of days ago. She is feeling good enough to be a little playful! The others are from her bandage change today.


  1. So happy to hear that Indy is doing well & that she is getting out for walks. I'm sure she LOVEs that! Hoping the urinary problem will be figured out soon from the sample they took.
    Prayers continue for a full recovery.
